Dream Leaf is a dietary supplement that consists of a blue pill and a red pill that supports lucid dreaming, dream recall and better sleep in general. During a lucid dream the person having the dream is aware that they are dreaming and they are also able to exercise some control over their dreams.
Experiencing a lucid dream isn’t only ‘cool’ it can also be a useful tool to help people through traumatic events and many other stressful situations.
Dream Leaf claims that by taking their blue and red pill that you will have the best chance to experience lucid dreams that can be vividly remembered. In order to establish if Dream Leaf really works let’s review this supplement and delve deeper into this dreamy supplement.
Lucid Dream Leaf Review: What Is It Made From?
Dream Leaf contains two pills, a blue one and a red one. The blue pill contains mugwort. Mugwort is a leaf that has calming effects when consumed.
Mugwort is a very popular herb in lucid dreaming communities because of not only its calming effects but also because it causes highly creative and vivid dreams.
The blue pill also contains 5-HTP. 5-HTP is responsible for boosting serotonin levels which causes the REM sleeping stage during sleep. With the help of 5-HTP the REM sleep stage is extended during the 2nd half of the night in order to provide a longer window to experience lucid dreaming in.
The red Dream Leaf pill contains a combination of different ingredients namely Huperzine-A, Alpha GPC and choline. Huperzine-A slows down the breakdown of ACh, this process helps the dreamer to maintain access to realistic memories and experience lucid dreams.
The Alpha GPC in the red Dream Leaf pill promotes rational thinking during the REM sleeping stage. Alpha GPC serves as a catalyst for lucid dream induction. Choline can also be found in the red Dream Leaf pill, choline assists Huperzine-A in raising Acetylcholine levels.
Acetylcholine is the single most effective supplement for dream recall, considering that memory and lucid dreaming are interconnected choline is an amazing ingredient that works miracles while you sleep.

How Does Dream Leaf Work?

Dream Leaf contains a blue pill and a red pill, both of which play a very important role in the process of producing successful lucid dreams.
By taking the Dream Leaf supplement the right neuroenvironment is created for lucid dreaming to occur. Dream Leaf also increases dream recall and dream vividness, both important factors that enhance the quality of your lucid dreaming experience.
The Dream Leaf supplement targets and lengthens the REM sleep cycle, this is vital because lucid dreaming occurs during this sleep stage. The blue pill is responsible for promoting restful sleep and an extended REM sleep stage.
The red pill is responsible for producing lucid dreams, improved memory/dream recall and an increase in dream control.
Dream Leaf is a two-pill supplement, in order to get the best effects and results it is important to take the supplements correctly.
- The blue pill should be consumed before going to sleep
- The red pill should be consumed after you have slept for a few (4-5) hours, you need to set an alarm and wake up in the middle of the night
In order to experience the works of Dream Leaf take the supplement at the correct time and in the correct order for a few days in a row and get ready to experience lucid dreaming like you have never done before.
- The supplement contains high-quality ingredients that are renowned for memory recall, vivid dreaming and most importantly lucid dreaming.
- The pills are easy to consume, some lucid dreaming supplements need to be smoked which can be complicated and time-consuming
- The Dream Leaf supplement causes lucid dreams, so yes it does really work
- The Dream Leaf supplement carries a reasonable price tag
- Waking up in the middle of the night to take the second pill can be annoying, but in the bigger scheme of things it is a small price to pay if you are wanting to experience lucid dreams
- Dream Leaf isn’t a magic pill, in order to get maximum results out of this experience it is important to invest time and energy into the process of lucid dreaming. Write down dreams that you have experienced, do research about lucid dreaming and try to learn as much about lucid dreaming as possible to be 100% engaged in the journey
Read more reviews on Amazon
Experiments with Dream Leaf Supplement
BuzzFeedVideo has a short video on YouTube that documents what happens to three different individuals that took the Dream Leaf supplement for a week. The general consensus was that neither of them experienced lucid dreams within the first couple of nights of taking the supplement.
After a few days though one of them started to experience lucid dreams, one of the others was able to recall their dreams with ease, and the other person wasn’t having any luck just yet.
By the end of the week, not all of them experience a lucid dream, but they all had a better memory of their dreams and the vividness of their dreams also increased significantly.
All three participants didn’t enjoy having to wake up in the middle of their sleep in order to take the second pill, but they did realize that if they didn’t take the respective pills at the right time that they wouldn’t have any lucid dreams.
Don’t let this experiment deter you though, these individuals only did it for a short amount of time (five days) and they weren’t necessarily very interested and invested in the lucid dreaming process.
The Dream Leaf supplement comes with 60 pills which is enough for 30 days to give you time to truly immerse yourself in the lucid dreaming experience.
See the video below
After reviewing this supplement it is clear that Dream Leaf is not a miracle drug, but taking the supplement does help the person to experience lucid dreams. In addition to helping the person experience lucid dreaming, Dream Leaf also enhances memory recall and the vividness of dreams.
One of the cons about taking Dream Leaf is the fact that you have to get up in the middle of the night after roughly 4 hours of sleep to take the second pill. If you are taking the Dream Leaf supplement then it won’t guarantee lucid dreams, but it definitely does encourages lucid dreaming.
And if Dream Leaf doesn’t work at least you can imagine you are the star in the movie the Matrix that has to make the choice of taking either the blue or the red pill, in the case of the Matrix the one pill sends him to dreamland and the other one wakes him up.