Hamsters are a great pet as most people know, but they do have a few strange quirks, that can be odd to anyone unfamiliar with them. Sometimes, you may see your hamster sleeping in the corner of the cage and you may ask yourself, why is my hamster staying in one corner? Don’t worry because you’ll find all the answers below.
Need to find the answer quickly? Hamsters are funny creatures, which can be shocking to people not used to them. If your hamster is regularly huddled in one corner of their cage, it could be for a few reasons. They could be scared, uncomfortable or ill. It could also just be their favorite spot, or they may be avoiding something in their cage. If you need a great cage for your hamsters, look no further than Midwest Deluxe Critter Nation or Living World Deluxe Habitat.
Psst! If your hamster is stressed or anxious, play this specially designed music for hamsters. Watch how this tune will calm your hampter in less than 20 min
Why Is My Hamster Sleeping In The Corner Of His Cage
Hamster Huddled In Corner
There may be a few reasons why your hamster is sleeping in ther corner of their cage. One of the most common reasons would be fear. Hamsters are only small animals, with not really any defensive measures, so they tend to get scared quite easily.
Typically things that humans wouldn’t think twice about, like a sudden noise or movement, can be very startling to hamsters. A good indicator that your hamster is experiencing fear, is if it huddled in the corner with their ears laid back and eyes narrowed.
Another reason a hamster could be huddled in the corner of their cage is that they may not like something within their cage. This could be anything from a new toy or unclean spots. To minimise this, make sure there are no new items and the cage is completely clean.
Illness is aso a reason the hamster could be huddled in the corner. Hamsters will sometimes huddle when they are sick or injured. You’ll want to keep an eye out for any of the following signs: loss of energy, diarrhea, wheezing, discharge from the eyes or nose, and hair loss.
If your hamster exhibits any of these signs, it is a good idea to take them to the vet. It probably won’t be anything serious, but in the event it is, you’ll want the vet involved to take of your beloved pet.
Lastly, your hamster could be staying in one corner simply because it is their favorite hiding spot. Sometimes they find a spot they really like and build a nest or burrow. Hamsters are creatures of habit, so once they find something they like, they stick with it.
Hamster Sleeping Outside Of House
It isn’t too unusual for a hamster to sleep outside their house. They will do this if it is too hot or humid inside, if they have made their own burrow in the bedding or maybe even if they have just fallen asleep while outside their home.
Why Does My Hamster Keep Scratching The Cage
Hamsters scratching the cage shouldn’t be cause for too much alarm, however there are a few reasons this could be. If your hamster is new to their cage, they can scratch a lot as they are getting used to their new surroundings. This is normal.
Another reason can be because they are agitated or annoyed, again a normal thing for hamsters to do. The best thing to do is watch them and see what could be causing them frustration.

Hamster Sleeping In Corner Of Cage FAQ
Why Is My Hamster Sleeping In A Different Spot?
Its pretty normal for a hamster to have different sleeping spots, like most animals, hamsters will sleep wherever they are comfortable. That may mean picking a different spot regularly or having the same spot for a while.
Either way, if your hamster is sleeping in different areas, its not normally a reason to be concerned. However do be aware that your hamster may be avoiding dirty or soiled areas of their cage, which can also be a reason for a hamster to sleep in different spots.
Is It Normal For A Hamster To Sleep Out In The Open?
It’s completely normal for hamsters to sleep out in the open. If you’ve ever had a dog or cat, you may have noticed them sleeping in random locations or plopping themselves down in the middle of a hallway or doorway.
Hamsters do the exact same thing. If a hamster is tired, it often won’t bother going back to its house, instead it will simply curl up wherever it is and go to sleep. Hamsters need a lot of sleep, so them sleeping wherever they are is common.
Since they are so small, hamsters tend to get tired very quickly, as they typically only have short bursts of energy. They do tend to spend their waking moments eating, drinking, exercising or playing, which burns off a lot of energy, so they will need to sleep.
This means that if your hamster has just spent time running on their wheel or around their cage, they’re going to feel very tired. If you’re watching your hamster you may even see them burrow into the bedding to make themselves a nice nest.
Final Words About Why Is My Hamster Staying In One Corner
Hamsters are a great low maintenance pet to have, but they do have a few quirks that can be jarring to people unfamiliar with them. If your hamster is sleeping in the corner of their cage, know that there are a few reasons this could be. They could be scared, uncomfortable or ill. It could also just be their favorite spot, or they may be avoiding something in their cage.
If you’ve asked yourself why is my hamster staying in one corner, you should now know why that is. Also its a good idea to make sure your hamster has a comfortable cage, like Midwest Deluxe Critter Nation or Living World Deluxe Habitat.
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